
Psalm 139 mirror

Original price was: $158.00.Current price is: $138.00.

Don’t we sometimes look in the mirror and wish we were someone else? We stare at our flaws, compare ourselves with others, and pick out all the parts of our bodies that we wish we could change. Sometimes it goes beyond our looks… we also question our worth, our value, our abilities.  

But while we see all that we’re not, God sees all that we are! And we place our trust and identity in that. So if He calls us His masterpiece, then guess what, we are! He knows everything about us, from our innermost thoughts to the number of hairs on our heads. He knitted each of us together in our mothers’ wombs, just the way He intended. He made NO mistake with us. 

May we be reminded each day that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. As the popular children’s song goes, “I just thank you Father for making me me”.

Measurements: 40cm diameter

Made with dried florals that will last for years. Customised design also available. Do contact us and let us know your desired style/colours/wordings for a customised quote!

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