To be excited / raised / called forth / stirred into action

At Kindled, we believe in excellence, in being on fire, and in giving our 100% in every area of our lives. We want to spill our hearts and lives before God, because from Him, through Him, and for Him are all things. We believe that when we are faithful with what we have in the present, He can use us for immeasurably more.

We know how sometimes it is so much easier to go to church than to be the church to the world around us. It is so much easier to sing songs every Sunday than to live out a life of intentional worship. But the songs we are called to sing are so much more! Our song is in the daily lives we live, the thoughts we guard, the gifts we steward, the way we love, and the things we do in secret. Yes, we are made to live out the kingdom of God, and this is what worship is all about. We are MADE for worship. Each of us has a God-given space, so let’s step into it with boldness. Whatever our hands find to do, do excellently. Whatever God has placed in our hearts, live them out courageously.

It is our prayer that Kindled will point people to Jesus and breathe life, love, and hope into dark nights and dry places. In our own little ways, we hope to be an encouragement to people through different seasons of their lives, and at the same time, spur one another on to serve God and love others with whatever we have, wherever we are. We pray that in all our different spheres, generations will lift their hearts and say “Here I am. Send me.”

Let us all arise and impact our world for Christ.

For your event needs

In addition to customised gifts for your loved ones, Kindled also offer gifts in bulk for private and corporate events. Whether you’re arranging for door gifts for your company event, looking for wedding favours, logistic rentals for your next event, or simply preparing gifts for your colleagues and friends, we’re excited to work with you.

Flower bar, floral bar, live flower bar, live floral bar, flower cart, wedding event flowers
Wedding pin boutonnieres
Face painting at kids party

Our event arm Kindled Events also offer services like live flower bars for weddings and events, and face painting for kid’s birthday parties. Check out the relevant tabs to see how we can partner with you for your next event!

For His Kingdom’s cause

A portion of all proceeds will go towards various causes, missions, and charities. We believe that each of us are called to be the light, and as this business grows, we hope to give back in a tangible way and play our part in building the kingdom.