For His Kingdom’s Cause.
At Kindled, we believe in excellence, in being on fire, and in giving our 100% in every area of our lives. We want to spill our hearts and lives before God, because from Him, through Him, and for Him are all things. We believe that when we are faithful with what we have in the present, He can use us for immeasurably more.
We know how sometimes it is so much easier to go to church than to be the church to the world around us. It is so much easier to sing songs every Sunday than to live out a life of intentional worship. But the songs we are called to sing are so much more! Our song is in the daily lives we live, the thoughts we guard, the gifts we steward, the way we love, and the things we do in secret. Yes, we are made to live out the kingdom of God, and this is what worship is all about. We are MADE for worship. Each of us has a God-given space, so let’s step into it with boldness. Whatever our hands find to do, do excellently. Whatever God has placed in our hearts, live them out courageously.
At the heart of Kindled Ministries is a humble prayer that our spirit-inspired faith-based gifts will help point people to Jesus and breathe life, love, and hope into dark nights and dry places. In our own little ways, we hope to be an encouragement to people through different seasons of their lives, and at the same time, spur one another on to serve God and love others with whatever we have, wherever we are. We pray that in all our different spheres, generations will lift their hearts and say “Here I am. Send me.”
Child of God | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
Christ in Me | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
Fully Known, Fully Loved | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
Highly Favoured | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
I Am Who You Say I Am | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
Loved by the King | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
Made for More | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
More Than Conquerors | Christian KeychainProduct on saleOriginal price was: $14.90.$12.90Current price is: $12.90.
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